Toddler & Twos Program


Toddlers & Twos


We consider toddlers children who are between eighteen and 23 months old as of September 1 of the current school year. Our group of toddlers will stay together during the entire school year. If space allows, a new toddler may be able to start during the school year.
As toddlers, we are just beginning to grasp the spoken language. Our teachers talk to us during the day, and we begin to learn more and more about the world around us. We also start recognizing our basic colors and shapes. We enjoy hearing many of the same songs and stories each day. Repetition is important during our second year, and hearing the same stories and songs, and seeing the same friends and teachers, helps us feel comfortable in our school.

Each day, we have a scheduled outside time, story time, music time, activity time, and play time. Staying on a schedule helps us know what to expect. When we start to show an interest in using the potty (around two years of age), our teacher begins having scheduled potty breaks.