Two & Three Year Old Program


Two & Three Year Olds


Two year olds are an energetic and inquisitive bunch! We stay busy each day, exploring and learning about the things around us. We learn our colors and shapes and then find them in the classroom, outside, and even in our snack!

Each day starts with circle time, where we talk about the day of the week and what the weather feels like. We hear a special story too.

We spend 30 minutes playing outside. We have two forts, slides, swings, pedal cars, trucks and shovels, and more! We even have a roller coaster, made just for us!

We have an activity time at our tables, when each child works on a project. This might include gluing, coloring, or painting. It’s important to practice sitting at a table and following directions so we will be ready for three year old preschool next year.

We have plenty of time for play, where we can practice sharing. We are also learning to talk to our friends and our teacher, ask for things when needed, and even tell about a special experience. We play with dolls, blocks, and dress up clothes, and we love making food in our pretend kitchen.

Please visit our school to learn more about the fun and learning that takes place here! We would love to meet you!